§ 302-3. Registration.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Alarm systems in general. Every owner or person in control of a security alarm system shall register the same on forms provided by the Chief of Police, which forms shall include the name, address and telephone number of the owner or person in control and the names, addresses and phone numbers of at least two other persons to be contacted in the event that the owner or person in control cannot be contacted. The owner or person in control will also be responsible to notify the Gardner Police Department of any updated information as changes occur to the relevant information contained therein. In addition, such owner or person in control shall affix to the alarmed building, house or structure, according to the directions of the Chief of Police, proof of such registration, in such forms as may be issued by the Chief.
    Alarm systems connected to a central monitoring service. The owner or person in control of a security alarm system which is connected to a central monitoring service shall not be required to register such system with the Chief of Police or to display proof of registration, provided that such owner or person in control has provided the central monitoring service with information similar to that required by the preceding subsection.